Thursday, February 11, 2010


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long before the laptop keyboard was born, there was the beloved keyboard to my now defunct old-fashioned typewriter.  I have always had a 'thing' for typewriters.

I learned how to type in high school when my mother had left a relationship with a Black-Foot Indian and had newly taken up with "Slim", a full-on cowboy with a ranch in Montana.  Writing was my only way to stay in communication with her and if nothing else, I wanted to stay abreast of whose side she was currently on: the cowboys or the indians?

My (adult) children have been beseeching me for years to start my own Blog.  Of course, there was first, the obstacle of my resisting laptops and becoming computer savvy.  I am nowhere near computer savvy but being that I love to write (letters, essays, prose, poems and general musings) it made sense for me to adjust to a too flat keyboard and indulge myself in the sheer joy I experience when 'hobnobbing' with myself or others through the written word.

So, let this then be my first foray into the complex and deep waters of my inner-life that may be of benefit to some (or at least a love-letter, of sorts, to my children) who, like yourselves, should feel free to take what you want from it and leave the rest behind....

(Gracie Garp)


  1. ahhh...the mamma has arrived...and I am so blessed to now have her writing here where everyone can see it and share it...i love you mom!! this is the new journey you were waiting for....remember, trust your own intuition and the computer will never get in your way.

    I love you!

  2. Welcome, my dear mentor and friend.
    I love you.

  3. oh mama Tanina... I LOVE THIS! So excited to read your thoughts and words and inspirations and ideas and dreams... the more of Tanina I can get, the better. :)
    I love you!

  4. Congratulations dear Tanina on your new life on the blog. I'll look forward to catching up and savoring your words as always. You have such a gift. Thank you for sharing. Love you. Puddha
