Friday, February 12, 2010

Computer Savvy....Not

Yesterday, I compose and complete my first entry for my (this) blog.  I dutifully go to "Preview" before I post it and in my attempt to change the word 'old-fashioned' to 'outdated', hit the wrong button and the whole thing is erased!  
I, of course, being sooo not techno-savvy, panic and wish there was a 911 key that I could press that would immediately connect me to a comforting and patient "voice" to walk me back through where I went wrong.
Instead, I do what any intelligent and resourced female would do: I immediately get in my 'milk-truck' (deemed and properly named for her very boxy shape and wonder-bread white color) and head for the Boulder County Police Department...
Fortunately, for me, my son has 25 days left before he leaves his job at the Police Dept (as a Records Specialist--as he would never think to carry a gun and become a full-on Policemen---although, I did tell him to be the first in line for a candidate to pose for the Boulder Police Dept Calendar of The Most Handsome Employee of the Year)--I saunter up to the Front Desk where they know me as: Justin's Mom and try to compose myself while I wait at the window for him to appear and walk me through getting my blog entry back.
He asks for a 15 minute break to help me do so and, who is going to deny him a break for his distraught mother?
He patiently helps his thoroughly right-brain and math-phobic mother rally her sanity and restore her to her original and, now, printable entry.
He walks me to the lobby and waves good-bye.  For a moment, I cringe remembering the day he looked up my Police Record (just out of curiosity) and announced to me: "Mom, I didn't know".......
I make yet another illegal U-Turn in front of the Police Dept and head home.

Gracie Garp

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I am laughing out loud...Of course I would always stop anything to exciting made it to the techno side!
